Mountain Trainin Picture

Mountain Trainin Picture

Saturday, 25 June 2016

George Heriot School...

Open crossing to Firkin Point...
Over the past fortnight (13th - 23rd June 2016) I have had the pleasure of spending 5 days working with George Heriots school of Edinburgh. Each day we had a different group from the same year group. Each day we set off from Rowardennan youth hostel.

During these five days I have been working alongside Ryan, Danny and Connor guiding the pupils and teachers in open canoes on Loch Lomond and introducing the groups to bushcraft and shelter building skills.

Due to having different weather patterns each day we were fortunate enough to do something different each day with the pupils. This included paddling south from the youth hostel to Port na Craoibhe, paddling north to The Yett of Ptarmigan, circumnavigating the small isle of Eilean nan Deargannan and an open crossing to Firkin point.
Paddling South past the Ben Lomond memorial...

During our lunch stop each day, Danny would introduce the pupils to fire lighting, shelter building and knife work before we guided everyone back to the youth hostel for a debrief before departure.

Beach stop near Port na Craoibhe...

Some excellent days on the water and some great groups of pupils and teachers. A real pleasure.

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